Friday 21 August 2009

Day before leaving

It is almost 2am and I am still working, trying to finalize A/W2010.
It is quite a few months until I have to show the collection but want to get organized this time, partly because I want everything to be "perfect" but also because I will be away for the whole of next month.... and by the time I get back, I really need to have everything finished and ready to be sampled.

We are flying to Hong Kong tomorrow, trying to meet with some potential buyers, as well as spending some time with my family. Dropping kids of in Hong Kong and off we (DH and I) will go to Japan/Tokyo for Playtime Tokyo. I have never been to Japan and am very excited about getting some feedback about Jakeandmaya.

Would be so great if one didn't need to sleep..... There just isn't enough time in a day to get everything done !

Will keep you all updated from Hong Kong and Tokyo.

Ps. had a meeting with potential client to design their private label collection for S/S2010 today. When it is all confirmed, I will let you know who they are... but in the meanwhile, I will not jinx it and keep it secret for now. Wish us luck and you may see us in a top quality shop very soon !

Sunday 9 August 2009

Jakeandmaya at Bubble New York

We had not brought with us a lot of props for the show but thanks to the kindness of Barbara, The director of North American Bear Company, who lent us some gorgeous stuff, we managed to put together a rather cool stand (I think anyway...).

The show as a whole was very nice. The venue (Cedar lake) was very cool and atmosphere was great. It was very calm and relaxed ... unlike some other shows that tend to get a bit manic. I am still in two minds about whether that is a good thing or not. Sometimes it did seem a bit too quiet but then at the same time, the quality of buyers were good so does it matter if traffic is not huge ?

We had a lot of interest from the press during the show. A lot of buyers (including some "important" ones) also came by and really liked our collection. Not many orders were placed during the show but we then had quite a few promising enquiries/orders since !

And guess what ?! Due to the success we have had during Bubble London and Bubble New York, we have managed to negotiate lower production costs with our factories. We can now offer all our products at 20% lower price !!! This is great for our future retailers, cause they can now be a bit more flexible with their mark-up and hopefully achieve better sales.

We are currently in conversation with some very cool stores but I better wait until everything is confirmed before revealing it all.....